In the comparison of intervention groups based on intended supplement at enrollment, the mean length of infants in the LNS group was 0. Cardiovascular effects of intensive lifestyle intervention in type 2 diabetes. This produces the same target sample size regardless of the outcome being considered, because it is independent of the units of measurement. Interventions for micronutrient deficiency control in developing countries: Multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during pregnancy. Event time was defined as the time from randomization to the initial CVD event and censoring time as the time from randomization to the last assessment or death. solid proxy 1.23a

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For growth measurements, we used the mean of duplicate measurements, or in the case of triplicate measurements, we used the mean of the 2 closest values. FieldingPhD, 7 Abby C.

Brinkley, PhD; Jamehl S. Food sources and intake of n-6 and n-3 fatty acids in low-income countries with emphasis on infants, young children monthsand pregnant and lactating women.

SQ-LNSs were designed to address concerns that in many populations the total energy content of the usual diet may be adequate, but the micronutrient 18 and EFA 19 contents may be low.

Support Center Support Center. The consistency in results between the 2 analytic scenarios as well as the sensitivity analysis suggests that our findings were not biased by the protocol violation.

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The context in Malawi was that of a rural area, where linear growth may have been restricted by factors such as a high prevalence of asymptomatic infections, environmental enteropathy, and short maternal stature. Matern Child Nutr ; 7 Suppl 2: To address proxu protocol violation associated pfoxy the consumption of mislabeled capsules by some women during pregnancy, we analyzed our data by using 2 scenarios: Effectiveness of an educational intervention delivered through the health services to improve nutrition in young children: KingPhD, 6 Mary M.

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Childhood stunting is associated with several negative consequences, including impaired cognitive development 2 — 4 and increased risk of death from infectious diseases 5. Haskell, PhD; Randall S. Published online Aug WuDenise M. Cardiovascular effects of intensive lifestyle intervention in type 2 diabetes. Short maternal stature may be soid such constraint that is difficult to overcome with such interventions.

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Multiple-micronutrient supplementation for women during pregnancy. We calculated a household assets index and a housing index as proxy indictors for household socioeconomic status as well as the household food insecurity access score In addition, all anthropometrists were well trained and standardized 1632and we undertook all efforts 1.2a3 ensure data quality.

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The IFA and Solkd supplements served as controls because at the time of the study, IFA was the standard WHO nutritional supplementation solidd pregnant women 23and available evidence suggested that prenatal supplementation with MMN supplements promoted fetal growth 24 — Intervention groups based on intended supplement at enrollment. Results were generally similar when adjusted for selected covariates data not shown.

Crit Rev Toxicol ; KashafNathalie de RekeneireJoanne M. For the Ghana study, we previously reported on the first of the 2 primary hypotheses 22 and showed that infants born to mothers who received prenatal supplementation with SQ-LNSs compared with IFA had higher birth weight, and among those born to primiparous women, infants also had higher birth length and head circumference than both control groups IFA and MMN. Model 2 added race, age, education, marital status, and whether a participant lived alone.

Therefore, the cut point for PA was chosen based on current best practices from the literature. Each effect modifier was considered separately in the models to reduce collinearity.

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Although we observed a greater impact of the prenatal component of this intervention on birth size among primiparous than among multiparous women 22primiparity did not consistently modify the effect of the intervention on attained size by 18 mo.

Articles from Journal of the American Heart Association: Methods and Results Cardiovascular events were adjudicated based on medical records review, and cardiovascular prozy factors were controlled for in the analysis.


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